Hummingbird migration map 2025: See when, where hummingbirds can be spotted in Oklahoma

With spring well under way and the air progressively warming in Oklahoma, it's time for migratory species to make their way north once more.
Among the migratory birds navigating their annual trek out of the south are several species of hummingbirds, some of which cross through Oklahoma., a website created by "backyard birding enthusiasts," has shared an interactive map of hummingbird sightings nationwide. The site says they usually track the birds migration from late-January to mid-May, but notes they don't post every single sighting due to the volume reported.
Hummingbirds migrating through Oklahoma
Multiple hummingbird species chart a path through Oklahoma in the spring and either stay to nest or push on through to a further north location.
The Ruby-throated and Black-chinned hummingbirds nest in Oklahoma and can be seen into the summer months, according to the Oklahoma City Audubon Society. The more commonly seen of the two is the Ruby-throated hummingbird, which typically arrives in Oklahoma in April and leaves in September.
However, a Ruby-throated has already been spotted in Hochatown,, Oklahoma on March 22, according to the map.
The Rufous hummingbird can be seen migrating through Oklahoma in the spring and fall as they head west and then north to the Pacific Northwest.
Map: Track 2025 hummingbird migration
Explore the map for yourself here:
How to report Oklahoma hummingbird sighting
Submit your hummingbird sighting through
What do hummingbirds eat?
Hummingbirds eat nectar from flowers and small insects, such as aphids and spiders.
Each day, a hummingbird feeds in many small meals, and they can consume up to 12 times their own body weight in nectar each day.
How to feed hummingbirds
The easiest way to attract hummingbirds is by hanging a feeder.
According to Hummingbird Central, there's no need to use red dye or pre-mixed commercial nectar, as it can be harmful to hummingbirds.
Instead, the site recommends a homemade mixture consisting of four parts water to one part sugar, which emulates the amount of sugar naturally found in nectar.
How to attract hummingbirds to my garden
If you want to attract hummingbirds on a larger scale, you'll want to design your garden or flowerbeds around their needs: shelter, plenty of flowers and a bird bath.
Hummingbird central recommends the following flowering plants: Lantana, Zinnias, Pentas, Salvia, Batface Cuphea, Hot Lips, Fire Bush, Nasturtiums, Coreopsis, among others.