On Tuesday, March 25, LGBTQ+ organisations, activists and allies gathered in Dublin to protest against Hungary’s law banning Pride and call for action from the European Union.
Earlier this month, Hungary’s president signed a new law banning the LGBTQ+ community from holding its annual Pride march, a move proposed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s ruling party. The law, which also permits authorities to use facial-recognition software to identify participants, makes Hungary the first European Union country to impose a nationwide ban on Pride events.
The move sparked global condemnation, with several LGBTQ+ groups gathering in the Irish capital to show solidarity with the Hungarian queer community. Organised by Dublin Pride, the protest took place at Europe House in Dublin, where a large group of people gathered to condemn Hungary’s Pride ban.
Speaking at the protest, LGBT Ireland CEO Paula Fagan said: “We’re standing here today in complete solidarity with the organisers of Budapest Pride, but also the wider LGBTQ+ community in Hungary.
“We saw last week the Hungarian Parliament pass a draconian law that bans Pride in the country,” Fagan continued. “That is an attack on the fundamental rights, not only of the LGBTQ+ community, but every citizen living in Hungary, to their right of the freedom of expression, the freedom of assembly, and the right to be free from discrimination.”
Speaking about how the EU was founded on the principles of equality, dignity, human rights, freedom and democracy, Fagan emphasised how we must “call on the European Commission, call on the European Parliament to condemn this law”.
“We’re asking Ireland and the other EU member states, and the European Parliament and Commission to bring forward infringement procedures against Hungary,” the activist said. “We’re also calling on the Irish government to send delegates to march in Budapest Pride on the 28th of June. We have to be brave, we have to stand with the LGBTQ+ community. The time is now.”
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Luna Lara Liboni from the Irish Council of Civil Liberties also spoke at the demonstration, saying: “It is in the history of LGBTQ+ communities to take their space, to be in the streets, to protest, to be loud, to act in solidarity with the other communities.
“The Hungarian ban on Pride is an open attack on democracy and human rights,” Liboni stated. She continued by saying that, under European law, the State has “an obligation to protect freedom of expression. Pride should be protected, it should not be banned. In Hungary or anywhere in Europe”.
“We have rights that could be eroded,” Liboni said. “It is our duty when it comes time to march in Dublin Pride, in any Pride in Ireland, to remember why we’re in the streets and the privilege that we’re having compared to communities in other countries.”
Co-CEO of Dublin Pride Jed Dowling invited people to march in Pride this year, saying: “Our theme is ‘Taking Liberties’. It’s something that we do, we take liberties. Philip Randolph, the civil rights activist, said: ‘Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted.’
“We’ve spent decades, over five decades in Dublin, going out, marching, taking our liberties. And our friends across Europe and across the world have done the same.
“Wherever it is we march, we need to march this year. We need to send a very clear message out that the liberties that we have taken, we are not giving back.”
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