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5 July 2017 News Archive
5 Jul 2017 22:03 GMT
In Poland, a right-wing, populist, anti-immigrant government sees ally in Trump
Los Angeles Times
5 Jul 2017 21:59 GMT
Republicans are not trying to improve health care
Seacoastonline - New Hampshire
5 Jul 2017 21:59 GMT
"Hitler said it best" -- Trump ally Michael Savage quotes Hitler to condemn Obama
Media Matters For America
5 Jul 2017 21:57 GMT
Poland is rolling out the AstroTurf for President Trump. But Poles don’t like him.
The Washington Post
5 Jul 2017 21:54 GMT
Politics: The gender pay gap in the White House has risen dramatically under Trump
5 Jul 2017 21:54 GMT
Tech: An engineer at the government's tech 'startup' quits 6 months into the Trump admin: 'The people with the matches are inside the house'
5 Jul 2017 21:51 GMT
As Trump leaves Washington for G20, fears of what he might say grip Washington
Bombay News.net