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25 May 2023 News Archive
25 May 2023 23:16 GMT
State lawmakers want children to work in bars on school nights to fill "labor shortage"
Boing Boing
25 May 2023 23:16 GMT
Kansas' news anti-Trans "bathroom ban" turned on cis woman and disabled son at Wichita Public Library
Boing Boing
25 May 2023 23:16 GMT
After racking up $7.8 trillion in public debt, Trump tells Congress not to pay it
Boing Boing
25 May 2023 23:16 GMT
Buy the "Cheers" bar. Or buy the original Batman and Robin costumes from the 1960s.
Boing Boing
25 May 2023 23:16 GMT
Marjorie Taylor Greene demands "decorum of the House" — and gets explosive laughter in return (video)
Boing Boing